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"The advices of Winnie the Pooh"
The advices of Winnie the Pooh
This poem I dedicate to Patrick Dunne and Karol Wiśniewski

In the large, really large forest
You can meet Winnie the Pooh coming
to meet his friends and promise
to come to them more often as the eternal vowing.

In his house was very jolly,
if so many creature were crowding
and the only obstacle was allowing
to gather them – the wonder.

If You make new friends, invite them,
because it isn’t sure You will meet them again
and don’t make them false promises,
false cuddling and also such kisses.

If You have a real friend,
try to think about him or her every day
and the miracle happens when you don’t
about it at all know.
                            Mon. 6 – th Jan 2014 about 18:45
                           Warsaw East railway station

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