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"The adventure of Winnie the Pooh" (20)
The adventure of Winnie the Pooh (2)
This poem I dedicate to uncle Zdzisław Beń, Przemek Brzozowski, Mr Cezary Wereszko,
Mr Marcin Jewdokimow

For poor Winnie the Pooh
in the circle of the bees
maybe you will have a room
in the time of eating your favourite ice – creams.

Winnie likes the Pooh,
the Pooh likes Winnie.
In this fairy – tale the goose
can’t usually be appearing.

The happy arrival
of the stubborn Donkey
for Winnie’s fun.
It’s so fantastic.

Winnie’s dreams are happy,
they are enjoyed by the Piggist.
He knows about blessing
and everlasting forgiving.
                                        Wed. 22 – nd January 2013 11:54
                                       the bar of University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw

Czytany: 347 razy



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