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"The Pilgrim of the world"
The Pilgrim of the world
This poem I dedicate to father Ryszard Lis OMI and priest Lewanowski

From the shadows of history
appears a new light.
That’s John Paul glorious,
who lived among us.

The long way leaded
him from Wadowice to Rome,
that for the Pope the dearest was
his first, family’s home.

The Pilgrim of the world,
the friend of the young.
He never tried to stop
to explain the Gospel to his lambs.

From the sky is spreading the star,
which means the victory
and not for eternity died
this good soldier of Christ.
                              Fr. 11–th Oct. 2013 10:29
                              the way from Warsaw to Siedlce

Czytany: 354 razy



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