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"Lord' s Revelation 2001"
Lord’s Revelation 2001

This poem I dedicate to Krzysztof Babicz

There was a Day of Lord’ s Revelation.
You seemed to be my friend.
I hadn’t been then very happy person.
I was to meet you five more times again.

Three Kings came to small Jesus
to little rock and gave their treasures.
Herod wanted to kill the Baby
to avoid coming the Kingdom, which is so amazing.

On that day you seemed to give your heart
and made me feel you are a person that trust
I can, later it appeared you lied
and of course of it you had a lot of fun.

Today you cuddle Dorotka and your baby
and you call me just a stupid daisy.
Cod will give you the reward in His justice,
because he little joy of His lamb you crucified.
                                                       Mon. 6 – th Jan. 2014 9 :40
                                                       computer’s room near the computer’ s desk

Czytany: 227 razy



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