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Only Death
Angels of doom, angels of darkness,
Rip out my heart, drink all my blood.
Dont want to exist, dont want to dream,
Of what once were and what could still have been.

She still stands in front of me,
She still smiles to me, she calls my name and smiles again.
Why does it have to be... all like it is?
Why to have hope when you know it doesnt exist?

We are but folls alone in the night,
Laughing at each other and hurting ourselves.
But why do we do it?
Why do we live such a life full of sin and misery?

It doesnt matter, no more to me.
I know the truth, I know it all.
Despite it all there is only one thing.
This only thing is DEATH.

Czytany: 1621 razy



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