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When the sun dies and the cold wind comes,
I alone await her,
my mistress, my lover.
When she comes,
the darkness she bounds covers me,
her arms hold me like noone before,
her lips touch minem
her voice calls my name.
She brings redemption,
She is the forgotteness,
the cure.
Only she cares about me,
wants to be with me,
only she ...
Her dark eyes - the sky watch over me,
Her black hair - the darkness covers me,
Her sweet voice - the winds calls my name.
only she ...
But the wind comes fast.
The sun kills her everyday.
Goodbye my mistress,
goodbye my love.
We will meet soon,
when the cold wind comes,
you will be mine again,
my mistress,
my lover,

the Night.

Autor obrazu: Marcin
Czytany: 1661 razy



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